Application Support
Since we develop most of our own applications, we can provide a wide range of application support to users and departments:
User Support
- To receive user calls on how the application can be used and/or improved.
- To prepare user guides/documents on each application.
Application Consultation
- To consult with departments and users to confirm new or changed user requirements.
- To plan and develop new versions of applications with new and/or enhanced functions.
- To re-develop an application based on a new framework when it is absolutely necessary.
Functional Enhancements
- To develop new functions based on user requirements and feedback.
- To enhance existing functions to facilitate user operation.
- To eliminate any bugs or data problems.
System Integration
- To integrate our applications with other inhouse or external applications.
- To provide single-sign-on to all applications.
Report Generation
- To design and generate information reports for management decisions.
- To automate report generation process that users may generate frequently-used reports.