Consulting Service

ITSC provides the following services to departments and externally funded projects:
- Basic Staff Computer – Freely provided
- Procurement – Consultancy and tendering for advanced equipment and servers
- Graphics – Logos, Posters, Pamphlets, Banners
- Websites – Design, Setup, Hosting Service
- AV Support – Events, Video Wall, Video Streaming
- Others – Special projects, Application Development
Externally Funded Projects
Due to manpower limitation, ITSC may not be able to offer timely support to externally funded projects. When preparing the budget and allocating resources for IT related projects, the project staff members should refer to the following guidelines:
• Guidelines for Externally Funded Projects (2022)
Advisory service is available from ITSC to assist in the preparation of budget. In case your externally funded projects require any IT resources, before submitting your proposals for approval, please initiate discussion with ITSC by submitting the following online form IT Service Support Online Form for Externally Funded Projects
Once the IT services and equipment requirements have been finalized, the project staff members should include the following form as part of the submission for approval.
• Proposed IT Equipment & Service Form for Externally Funded Projects