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Welcome to ITSC

ITSC strives to assist HSUHK to become an elite private university with world-class IT services, support, and applications.   To achieve this mission, we have four goals:

Infrastructure and Facilities

  • To manage a world-class network and system infrastructure for our services and applications.
  • To maintain our IT/AV facilities, especially in classrooms and laboratories, to ensure high availability.
  • To enforce security measures and monitor the system operation to prevent hacking and intrusion.

Teaching and Learning

  • To manage our e-learning platforms to support teaching and learning.
  • To introduce innovative technologies to enhance teaching and learning.
  • To provide support to teachers and students in the use of IT/AV for teaching and learning.

Consultation and Development

  • To consult with departments/offices on IT needs for automation, analytics, and research.
  • To develop useful applications that will enhance university operations and user services.
  • To assist in the generation of of reports and projects to support management decisions.

Services and Support

  • To receive calls from users and provide timely support on needs and problems.
  • To provide IT/AV support to university events such as ceremonies, conferences and assemblies.
  • To monitor, maintain and upgrade IT/AV facilities and take preventive actions whenever possible.



User Services

Dept Services


